Colleges & Universities


Together let’s thrive.

"We are not here to merely survive and get by, but to thrive with passion and compassion." -Maya Angelou

Meet Dr. Thea Zunick, an experienced educator and coach dedicated to helping college students thrive. With years of experience teaching online in accredited higher education programs and coaching in small groups and one-on-one in a digital environment, Dr. Zunick is well-equipped to connect with students and provide them with the tools they need to succeed. Her programs are designed to focus on wellness, emotional intelligence, resilience, and joy - all vital components of a successful college experience. All of her programs can be customized to be a keynote or a workshop, and she can even custom-make a program that meets the specific needs of each student.

Featured Collegiate Programs


Resiliency: R Rated?

Don't let the idea of resiliency scare you! It's time to take charge of your response to challenging situations and have a positive impact on your mental health and wellbeing. Join Dr. Zunick as she shares an inspiring journey that will empower you to look inward and take practical steps to strengthen your resilience. Learn how to build your resilience muscles in effort to navigate adversity with less stress. You have the power to transform your outlook and become a more resilient you – all you need is the know-how. Let's get started and thrive together!

The Emotionally Intelligent Leader: Using EI to Build Better Organizations

Get ready to unlock the power of emotional intelligence and become the leader your organization needs! Emotional intelligence (EQ) is not just about being in touch with your emotions; it's about understanding the 15 subscales of EQ and using that understanding to make better decisions, communicate more effectively, and inspire members. Through storytelling and practical examples, you will learn how emotional intelligence can help you build a culture of trust and collaboration in your organization. Participants will discover how to use empathy to connect with their members, manage conflict effectively, and create an environment of communication. By the end of this presentation, attendees will have the tools and inspiration you need to become an emotionally intelligent leader who can build better organizations, lead with confidence, and inspire members to thrive and achieve great things.

Communicating with Heart: Harnessing the Power of Emotional Intelligence

In a world that's constantly on the go, communication is more important than ever. Whether it's at school, with friends, or in your community, being able to talk and listen effectively is key to building strong relationships and achieving your goals. Together, we will delve into the key components of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills, and how they can be leveraged to build better relationships when communicating with others. Attendees will learn practical strategies for adapting to different communication styles, exhibiting active listening skills, and delivering clear and effective messages. We'll use real-world examples and interactive activities to help you boost your communication skills and connect with others like a pro!

Power Up Your Joy Mode

In these challenging times, we all could use more joy in our lives. It's important to prioritize our well-being by cultivating positive emotions and creating joyful experiences. This program focuses on four key areas that activate joy both on a personal and societal level: Kindness, Gratitude, Reframing, and Connection. By incorporating these practices into our daily lives, we can improve overall wellbeing, reduce stress, and cultivate a sense of calm. This learning opportunity will equip participants with the tools and strategies to create a more joyful world, where we can all thrive and feel empowered to spread happiness.