50% by 2020 - Millennials and Stress in the Workplace

Millennials (1981-2000) are now the most prevalent generation in the workplace (25%), surpassing the number of Baby Boomers (1946-1964) in 2014, and Generation X (1965-1980) in 2015 (Bennet, 2017), and are expected to comprise 50% of the workforce worldwide by 2020 . Researchers at Welltok have discovered that over 50% of these Millennials have seriously considered switching jobs due to workplace stress, and while some employers are taking notice, only 33% of respondents say their employers offer stress management and wellness programs to them.

Resiliency through Random Acts of Kindness

Holiday time/ the end of the year can be STRESSFUL. Whether it is thinking of the perfect gift, finding the money to buy said perfect gift, figuring out how to exist within a family who may judge or not support you, facing your first holiday after losing a parent, cramming for finals or final papers, trying to scrape enough money together to pay for a flight home, or dreading the politics conversations that inevitably will happen over the holiday dinner table, that stress is real, even for the happiest of people.